Interest will be calculated monthly and you can withdraw your interest at the end of every three months.

Parents or appointed guardian must withdraw money on behalf.

Minor deposit account can be opened as savings.

Minor deposit is a joint account with parents or guardians for children who are under 18 years. When the children turn 18, the account will be changed to normal savings account that is either individual or joint depending on account owners.

Yes. If you wish to add someone or more to your account, the account will become a joint account. Everyone whose name is on a joint account can make deposit, withdraw money and view the account.

In this case, the legal heir can contact CB Bank.

Interest is calculated quarterly on total amount of loan.

You can pay total principal and interest amount at the end of the contract.

The loan amount depends on the quality and value of the collateral.

Yes. If you wish to add someone or more to your account, the account will become a joint account. Everyone whose name is on a joint account can make deposit, withdraw money and view the account.

Joint account can be applied at every branch with NRC of the account holders. A visit to nearest branches in person is a must.
